Other Books by the Infamous Weems
Courtesy Robert Thibadeau
with production by Bookmaster Even Benoit.
This biography of Franklin was written only shortly after his death, and includes several of Franklin's essays regarding how people should go about their lives.The author, Weems, is also the author of the biography of George Washington that tells the story about the Cherry Tree. So, take the text with a grain of salt. We think that you'll enjoy every page.
If you want to read the autobiography of old Ben, you will find it in full text through any web search engine. But, we don't think it is as fun to read.
Reader Comments
- kristen williams
"nice job!"
- Bob Thibadeau
"pp 165- electricity cir 1735"
- Bob Thibadeau
"Last Chapt: His death, at length"
- Sean Ackley
"Wow! Very cool I would also be interested in possibly getting books like this published into .PDF files. Size doesn't really matter. I feel that any old manuscript should be preserved digitally! The generations to follow should have the same exposur
e to old literature that we have. The dead sea scrolls, etc should all be done this way!!!! Good work, keep it up. "
- Dexter Fabi
"As a historian, I am glad to see such an incredible innovation I believe I have seen the future! Congratulations on such a wonderful site. I hope the universal library will expand with more rare books and manuscripts. It will be an indispensable sour
ce for future historians."
- logan@osgnet
"Very Neat!!! A very positive use of the internet! Giving many people the chance to get their hands on books that they never could have before Thank you all for your efforts!!!"
- Dave Bernstein
"I love it I will be back Thank You...."
- Marvelyn Adams
"I don't have time to read this now but I will be back I would like to see more books like this. Maybe some classics. I saw this in our newspaper. What other ways do people learn about pages like this?"
- Cristian Ghezzi
"Fascinating I like it for how it looks. I wish I could smell the paper..."
- jazzbo
"" 'watt' a discovery!!!!""
- BrvHrt46
"Have it Read it. Loved it. Good choice."
- rjobnmra
"Good, but page 227 is impossible to read"
- Victor Fousson
"Nice idea, but you should leave a ascii-text-version anyway on your server"
- Chris Josephs
"Chapter 2, Dr Franklin's grandmother. Enjoyed her card trick on Queen Mary's priest."
- matt
"this is cool"
- bandita
"its not exactly what I wanted"
- Carol
"Very interestingI came across it trying to find information of a book I have that is identical to this one, however......mine is printed by HURST & CO. of New York, but it states the same thing, "NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED BY ANY OF HIS BIOGRAPHERS" "
- Carol
"Also, my book does not have the date stamped on the bottom of the page"
- Carol
"Anyone can feel free to email me with information as to, the possible year my book was printed and how or why two different publishers came to be My email address is cpirri@neo.rr.com"
- Carol
"I apologize for re-posting on the same subject The most obvious difference in the book I have is the cover is totally different. Mine is Titled: Arlington Edition, and has several different designs printed into the cover. There was an open square near the bottom where someone wrote with a quill pen, Presented to....hard to make out the name, and then there is a date of July 23, 1880 or 1890, also hard to read."
- Dan Hatten
"Its unfortunate that this seems to be the only site where you can find such a great piece of literary work at your very fingertips, wonderful for research and for enlightenment"
- joy
"this is a good book"
- Matt MCD
"This website and book about Ben Franklin is very useful for an account needed to write a paper because the facts are not distorted like they would be in todays books because less lure about Ben Franklin was around"
- Liz
"It was very interesting"
- Bee
"i can almost smell the pages as i read Great work."
- rupal
"excellent work of antique"
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