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And so one might go on through the various distinctions which are carefully portrayed in the photographs, but such a minute description would be verbose and unnecessary.

It is the aim of every good coachman to have a sound argument in support of all the little technicalities, and it may afford the reader interested in the subject some amusement to examine in detail the differences which exist between the park -drag and the road coach, and, after analyzing them, to draw his own conclusions.

Plate VI shows the drag -parked" for the races or similar use. The coach should always be in this position when the horses are out, except when in the coach room.


Plate VII shows a park drag as turned out for private road use, or, in other words, for use in the country or on coaching trips.

The servants wear their stable clothes, as full liveries are not at all adapted to such a purpose ; the harness is of the road order, and it is customary to attach a luggage rail to the roof, so that any luggage, rugs, etc., may be safely carried there. The horn case is strapped to the rail on the off side, so that it can be



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