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this case as when in harness, especially when the customary side reins are used.

The hackney is a capital type of an old gentleman's park hack, is exceedingly well suited to a lady's phaeton or small two-wheeler, and its pony types are very good.

Prejudice should not stand in the way of our benefiting, where possible, by the introduction of this blood. Let us try the effect of crossing them intelligently on our trotters or with thoroughbreds. Let this progeny compete with true American-bred ones, and may the best horse win.

The requirements for our future ideals will be much on the following lines

Conformation, quality, suitable size and type (described) ; weight (described) ; pace (described) ; action (style of, described) ; colour and soundness. With requirements of this sort, in which the descriptions are carefully thought out, one could form quite a close idea of what is wanted in any particular class. These requirements could be numbered, and in various classes they could be referred to under their number for the sake of simplification.

Oftentimes a fine large pair of horses will look well before a full-sized landau, while before a brougham they would look out of proportion, and thereby detract greatly from the general effect. With require-


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