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wherefore. By -degrees a more general understanding of the requirements has been arrived at, and a marked improvement is the result.

The introduction of cable and electric tramways has thrown an enormous number of cheap horses on our market, and, in consequence, even the better class of horse will not bring his value, although the "rare good one " has never commanded higher figures than at the present time. This temporary depression is bound to improve the quality of the horses bred in this country, for the following reason

Throughout the West a certain class of farmers have been marketing hundreds of monstrosities masqueraded as horses, which should never have been seen outside of a dime museum. The enormous demand for street-car horses encouraged these breeders in the purchasing of broken-down, unsound mares. These mares they bred to slabsided trotting stallions and grade percherons, and, sad to say, their produce was readily sold. As soon as this class of farmer finds an absence of demand for his production he will try a crop more in his line. This will leave the field clear for the farmer who breeds carefully and intelligently, for there always will be a good market for high-grade horses.

The better the horse the higher price he will


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