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harness, etc., hinges largely upon the size of the family and the amount of entertaining done. -The brougham and victoria naturally are the first selected, then the landau, and after that an omnibus and t'is-a-vis or similar carriage. To these may be added a runabout, some sort of two-wheeler, and perhaps a phaeton. To horse such an establishment properly at least six horses will be necessary ; they should be so nearly of a size as to be interchangeable ; the wisest policy being to have three in the neighbourhood of fifteen three hands high, with some quality and action for use in the brougham, victoria, phaeton, etc., and three about sixteen hands high, for use in the omnibus, single brougham, and landau. Such a lot should make up quite a decent four on a pinch. It is sometimes wise to keep a couple of ordinary nags for night work, but this is not an absolute necessity.

It is presumed, of course, that the carriages are to be called upon morning, noon, and night, and in consequence the stable force must be sufficiently large. Whether it shall be two or three in number depends somewhat upon whether a stable servant is required besides the coachman at all times.

The coachman should not be above taking a hand when necessary : but it is unreasonable to suppose that a man who is often on the box from 9 A. M.


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