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The reason for this consistency is found in the practicality of the road wagon for its purpose, combining, as it does lightness, strength, and a shape which is in keeping with the swinging stride of the trotter pure and simple.

A number of heavier carriages have become standard in much the same manner, and a rapid departure from the designs which have been in use for many years is generally unsuccessful. The introduction of an entirely new vehicle is sometimes a benefit, more frequently a detriment.

Almost every enthusiastic owner in the early part of his career is seized with invention in the embryo state, and is not satisfied until he has evolved some abortion in the way of a carriage which shall be noticed. He generally succeeds in achieving this end, and presents his production to the view of his unfortunate friends with the air of a conqueror. Unless he is a crank, however, he will appreciate the error of his ways within a few years, and will hide his diminished head when the subject of his chef d'wuvre is mentioned.

Any changes in existing designs of carriages which give more symmetry of outline or improvement in construction should be welcomed. A close observer will note that such improvements are quite often brought about by simplification, but very rarely by elaboration.


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