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coachman. The cushion for the driving seat is made on the same level for both servants, and is either tufted or finished plain, slanting slightly toward the front, but not so much as to prevent the servants sitting squarely and comfortably on it. Nothing looks worse than to see a coachman with his legs stretched out in front of him ; and there is no position more conducive to heavy hands.

The bachelor brougham (Plate LXXXYI), it will be noticed, is turned out with one servant, and loin straps are dispensed with, otherwise there is very little difference in the general treatnieiit. r1he painting may, however, be of brighter colours than in the lady's brougham.

Where there are two servants on a brougham, the stable shutters should be up when the carriage is driven from the stable to the door, on reaching which they should immediately be lowered by the ;room or footman and the windows raised lialfwav. This practice should be pursued whenever the carriage is driven any distance without occupants.

It seems to be the general impression, in order to properly distingnisli the bachelor's Twou,)-h(Ini from the lady's in horse-show appointment classes, that a cargo of lnisccllaneous masciiliiiities or feulininities must be carried, but this is not at all essential.


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