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the space between its

six limits or sides, just as it has a square form. A surface is a limit of a solid or a body. A line is a limit of a surface, as the line A B, which is one limit of

the Surface r. A point is a limit of a line, or where lines meet, as at P, where the lines C D and A B meet.

The 1st and the 2d surfaces meet on the line A B. A limit both unites and separates. The last limit of one object is always the first limit of the next one. We cannot measure any space without measuring an object, nor can we conceive of space as existing without a limit. In passing from object to object, in any direction, we perceive that they are CONTINUOUS or adjacent, and this is a positive property or fact The negative word infinite is exactly the opposite of the truth in the matter. The universe does not have just one limit any more than it has just one color or just one shape in it. If we say it is "limitless," then we must also say that it is "formless" and " colorless."

TIME OR DURATION is the central element in all motions. Swing your hand in a circle. The motion has form, for it is circular. It has space, say two feet across. But there is another element, the motion has duration or time. Without this central elemnt we would not know that a motion had been made.

We can only measure time by measuring a movement. We measure the year by movements of to

earth ; the hours we measure by moving wheels in

clocks and watches. Time is the same kind of a

thing whether there is little or much of it, and so is

space. To talk about "incomprehensible space or

time" is just as absurd as it would be to talk of an

"incomprehensible circle or square!" Time cannot c ase unless all motions cease.

PHYSICAL CULTURE. A perfect state of health implies three things-beauty, happiness and strength. In a perfect man or woman the soul and the body respond to each other like the higher and lower octaves in a musical instrument.

Each organ of the brain can polarize and move such muscles of the body as have the same line of direction as its own fibers, and hence the mental faculty must be cultivated, must be brought into action at the same time as the muscle, if we would se:ure normal culture, and the movements must succeed each other according to the responsive law of thirds, fifths and octaves. This law of musical chords is embodied in the structure and proportion of the parts in both body and brain. These are basic truths of physical and mental culture.

In the full-page side view of the muscles, the lines of direction are given for the larger muscles of the trunk, and on each part of the muscle is placed the name of the brain faculty that moves that part by having the same direction. In each part of this chart we must compare it with those of the brain. The names of the muscles are in CAPITALS.

The great arm movements come from the PECTORIS muscle on the front of the chest and a corresponding one on the back called the TRAPEZIUS.


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