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SW(// G'~1.

,'he "very spicy" gig (Plate LXXIV) is another departure from an old print, which is a slight modification of the tilbury and also a very smart vehicle. Like the tilbury, it is particularly suited to a light, airy-going type of horse.

By the way, one call grasp to a certain extent, from the outlines of the carriage itself the stamp of horse which it requires. III all these cam ria2•es the servant, when carried, should be a smart, dapper, young, top-booted g.rooul, vVho Should sit beside his his master with Ili, arlns fielded.

of a vehicle built contemporaneously with the tilbury

and Stanliope. It i, I very 11sef1d carrial,e, III(] oil

account of its lightness is especially adapted to exercisin, : it therefore require, a sliortiug harness, and Illay be dl'lyell I)y :1 servant ill stable clothes.

It will be noticed that the lamps on all these carriage; are very simple and plain, and call with perfect propriety be carried at all times. Lazy coachmen are fund of usiu,' rubber cover, for their lamps ill stormy weather: these should, under no circumstances, be permitted.

Tile skeleton

o•i u'


(Plate l.A\V) is, a lllodification


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