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As examples of the lesser social groups, take the sub-department of Designs. It divides into designing, engraving and sculpture. That of Records includes statistics, history and libraries. That of Environs includes climate, herds and storm signals. That of fertility includes textile culture, fertilizers and forestry.

THE RANKS OF SOCIETY may, for convenience,

be arranged as Primary Bands, Cities, Counties, States, Nations and the inter-nation or Unation. All these have the same constitution, the same number of departments and officers, because the wants of all of them are alike in kind. They differ only in the extent of territory and the amount of details which each one includes.

For illustration, it requires the same kind of knowledge and skill to build a short road that only reaches through a town, that it does to build one that extends across the country of a nation. The city road would be built under the supervision of the City Engineer and the national road under the National Engineer.

THE CHANGE OF TITLES for different ranks is

only made in those of the two central officers. Thus, in the Primary Band these are called the center and centress; in the city they are mayor and mayoress; in the county they are count and countess; in the state, governor and governess; in the nation, president and presidess, and in the unation they are the prince and princess.

By this uniformity of constitution and of titles it is always easy to understand the relations which the different ranks sustain to each other, the manner in which they cooperate for all collective purposes.

And the boy or girl who learns the duties of the departments and offices in the town at home, will understand without further study those that belong to the county, the state or the nation. This uniformity is not only natural and true, but it is a great advantage over the disorderly ranks and confusing changes in the old forms of ci vilism.

REPRESENTATION. The wants of the lower ranks

are answered by the higher through like parts of each. Thus, if a want in regard to food arises in the home department of some town and cannot be answered there, then it would be represented in and answered by the home department of that county. Or, if necessary, it would be carried up to the corresponding department in the state or nation. These wants may be made known through any of the ordinary channels of communication, by messages, or by special delegates. All the interests, employments and professions of society are organized, secured and represented in the twelve departments with invariable certainty and equality.

Thus, for the first time in history we have the plan for a truly representative system of government. In parliaments, reichstags, assemblies and congresses, the members are sent to represent so many people, or such and such a part of the country. But they do not represent the wants of the people. Except by accident, or in a disorderly way, or in case of unusual good will and intelligence. It was the inherent imperfection and badness of those systems that brought about such abortive and expensive results.

In the plans as here proposed we have forty officers in place of the hundreds which belonged to the plans

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