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and emotions in the brain. Hence woman is more ruled by these and less by ideas and material influences.

In woman the whole physical system is more elastic, receptive and sensitive than in man. And man is more vigorous, hardy, positive, muscular, bold, cool and scientific. Woman offsets this by being more yielding, gentle, loving, ardent and intuitive.

Woman can reason as critically and acutely as man. But her first impulse is to look at a truth or a proposition through her intuition, that broad intellectual glance that sees outlines, colors and proportions without the details.

The mental faculties are all arranged in pairs. One in each pair is positive or masculine, the other is receptive or feminine. This gives us the pairs-form and color, number and language, memory and attention, reason and inspiration, invention and truth, amity and manners, faith and love, hope and luxury, devotion and fidelity, parenity and reverence, patriotism and aurosense, appetite and feeling, dignity and laudation, integrity and industry, liberty and stability, defense and economy, destruction and caution, aversion and locomotion.

An immense mass of careful observations and exact measurements were used by the author in discovering this pairing of the faculties. These observations were extended to all the races of men and to all. the ages and stages of history. Do these present differences of the two sexes represent something which is permanent, or something which was incidental, and due only to unfavorable differences of opportunity and development? Science answers that they are

permanent and are part of a divine and harmonious arrangement. These natural differences of the two sexes adapt them to different spheres of intellectual, social and industrial activity. Their spheres, like their characters, are complements.

The offices and labors of society are all dual, as given in the model of society. Each has its masculine and its feminine side. Thus the department and labors of illustration are feminine complements to those of building; so is that of inspiration to that of law, and that of exchanges to that of machinery.

The offices and eniployments of harmonic society are assigned to the two sexes on the basis of this difference. The first officer in each pair is a man and the second is a woman. The twelve assistant officers may be arranged in pairs, masculine and feminine, as follows: Furnisher and musician, artisan and dramatist, courier and waiter, server and sanatist, ensign and watchman, tillman and keeper. The marshaless works with the marshal, and is regarded as of equal rank, although the office is not elective or placed in the table.

The sexes are thus everywhere equal in rank; they go together in all the departments, and to each is assigned duties and employments in harmony with its natural adaptions. While woman thus takes an equal part in the government and conduct of society, she does not become less womanly, nor does man become less manly in development and character. Not more than one-twelfth of the women would be engaged in cooking and housekeeping; and these would make their work attractive by becoming artists in all of its details.

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