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SOCIAL GROUPING. Every person has a natural

right to associate with others who are attractive and congenial. This right must be gratified by arranging the members of each society into twelve departments, according to their characters, tastes and capacities.

Members in whose characters the reflective faculties predominate would unite to form the department of science; those who have the faculties of religion as leading elements of their characters would form the department of religion ; and those in whom the ambitious faculties were strongest would form the department of rulership.

This process is followed in forming each one of the twelve departments and the various sub-groups which each of these may require. Each member will then be associated with others of similar ideas, tastes and capacities. A person who is fully and evenly developed in all his traits may pass and repass through all the groups in succession. They form exceedingly useful links of connection between the groups. Such persons would also be qualified to become central officers.

IN ORDER TO JOIN any group, a member must he

accepted by all of its members, by vote or otherwise. If dissatisfied with any group or society a member may, without censure, leave it for another.

We may learn the character of any person by reading the indices of the face or hand; by the development of the brain; by psychometry, or by actual acquaintance with the facts of their lives. The pastor, the minister, and the scientist must understand all these methods of reading character.

Tn the schools, at the age of fifteen years, the

character, tastes and talents of each pupil have been well studied by the teachers, and the youth, whether boy or girl, is ready to choose a profession or work for life. When the choice is made, then there are five years of special training and study in all that belongs to the selected employment. When the youth is twenty, then the leaders of the religious department, the pastor and minister, must see to it that there is a place open for that youth in the settled work of the society, in its regular employments. And the youth can choose what group of workers he will enter, so that they shall be personally agreeable. This choice includes his own selection of food, of dress, of rooms and of location in the city. There never was in past times any such extended freedom as that in civilized countries.

It would be just as wise to leave every boy to get knowledge, and education, as best he could, without any system of schools to attend; that would be just as wise as it is to leave him to get, as best he may, some place in the employments of society. Industry is always applied knowledge, and it requires organization, system and certainty, quite as much as that which men have already recognized as needful in their systems of education. Chance work is no better in applying than in getting knowledge. But this discussion belongs more properly in our sixth chapter upon organized industry and collective ownership.

THE ROOMS ARE IN GROUPS that correspond in

position, in furnishing and in color to the social groups of members who occupy them. No two rooms of the temple or mansion are alike in these respects. ]draper, Moser, Denton and other scientists have

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