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attractive. We have now to learn how it may be made the high and successful instrument for the integral culture of man.

The object of the school is to fit the child to become a valuable member of society. How much of this work shall the school undertake to accomplish, and how much should be left to the family and other influences? The answer is found in certain basic laws of man's nature. We look into the marvelous brain of man and we see that the radiant lines of all its organs are united in two common centers of action. The intellect, the feelings and the will were all made to work together. If we attempt to cultivate a part of these and leave the rest untouched, we shall violate a fundamental law of the mind.

The schools of civilism cultivate the intellect to a certain extent, reaching about three groups of faculties out of the whole twelve. People wonder why the school and college education does not make men moral. These do not cultivate the moral faculties. They do not make men successful and efficient because they do not train the faculties of the will. We reap what we sow.

ONE HOUR EACH DAY is given to the direct

culture of each group of faculties, taking these up in a natural order of response and succession. IV,e regulate the entire life of the child. His plays are turned into instructive means of mental training. The whole school is formed into twelve groups, and each group has an elected leader who helps to direct its studies and plays. This is the plan in all the grades. If the school had only six hours of time daily, then only half an hour would be allotted to each group.

In all this we are guided by a great natural law. For the young of all animals, man included, attempt to do in sport and play just the kind of things which they are going to do as the serious business of life when then reach adult years. The young kitten chases a ball, watches it and springs upon it as though it were a mouse. The incipient mouser is there, struggling for utterance and discipline. The lamb does nothing of the kind, but he skips and wanders about, betraying and preparing for the ultimate grazing occupations of his kindred. The little girl plays at keeping house with a doll; the boy must have his horse and wagon.

Now we can easily take these instinctive tendencies and organize the plays of the child so that they shall be important and successful means of teaching. And, after the fifth or seventh year, they may become more or less productive to society. It does not satisfy the the child that all of his plays should be abortive and none of them real. Many light industries can be so organized that they will be in every way attractive to the unfolding mind and the developing physical system. But no employment and no study must continue long at a time. Short lessons are best. Frequent change of thought and action is the rule for rapid and normal growth in childhood.

THE ENGRAVED MODEL gives one arrangement

for the special hours of culture for each group in figures. Three studies for each are indicated. In the table of studies, one hundred and forty-four divisions of these are given. The studies are classified with reference to their distinctive influence on the fa: ulties.

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