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GROUP OF HOME, 5 to 7 o'clock. ART of DRESSINGBathing, toilet and costume. ART OF EATING-Flavors, odors and digestion. HOUSE AND FIELll-House-care, messages and field culture.

ART GROUP, 7 to 8 o'clock. MATHEMATIcs Geon.etry, arithmetic and measuring. GRAPHIcs-Drawing, painting and penmanship. OBJECT LossoNS Geography, botany and zoology.

COMMERCE GROUP, 8 to 9 o'clock. ENGINEERINGCivil, mechanical and locomotive. FERTILI'rY-Textile, culture, fertilizers and stock-raising. COMMERCE Distribution, traveling and transportation.

FAMILISM, 9 to 10 o'clock. LEARNING-Obedience, guidance and study. AMUSEMENTS Plays, festivals and work. SERVICE-1Vaiting, altruism and patriotism.

LETTERS, 10 to 11 o'clock. HISTORY-Civilization, biography and chronology. LANGUAGE-Grammar, speaking, and music. PUBLICATION-Boolcs, newspapers and correspondence.

WEALTH, 11 to 12 o'clock. FACTORIES-Order in work tools, and machinery, fictiles and textiles. ECONOMICSExpenses, ownership and exchanges. STORAGE-Providence, warehouses, and harvesting.

MARRIAGE, 12 to 1 o'clock. DUAI,TSM-Sex structure. floration and rites. HERIDITY-Transmission, permanence and variation. LuxuRIEs-Recreation, caressing and pleasures.

SCIENCE, 1 to 2 o'clock. LAws-Logic, mentology and rules. BEAUTY-Esthetics, symbolism and adornment. SCIENCE-Mechanics, cosmology and dynamics.

LABOR, 2 to 3 o'clock. JUsrICE Rights, duties and penalties. UTILITY Labor, groups, industrial plays and trades. ENVIRONs-Climate, forestry and horticulture.

CULTURE, 3 to 4 o'clock. HOSPITALITYEntertain-ment, conversation and friendship. RrIroasr-Discoveries, teaching and adoption. MANNERS Mimetics, morality and elocution.

RULERSHIP, 4 to 5 o'clock. LEAnrRsf-IIP-Authority, training and ranks. ELECTIONS T`otino, grouping and transferring. DISPLAYS-Standards, exhibitions and processions.

RELIGION, 5 to 6 o'clock. Wossnip-Ceremonies, spiritually and belief. UNITY Philanthropy, interchanges and discipline. ENTERPRISES Reclamation, improvements and undertakings,

Commencing at five or six o'clock in the morning, we take up the sensitive or home group. We spend the hour in teaching and showing the pupils the art of bathing, toilet and dressing, with effects of different kinds of clothing in its material, colors and forms. Second, we teach them the art of eating, including the subjects of odors, flavors and digestion. And third, we instruct them in house cares, cooking and table serving. All these studies tend directly to stimulate and develop the domestic or home group of faculties.

The next hour, from seven to eight A. M., the perceptive or art group of faculties is the object of culture. Here we use geometry, arithmetic and measuring; we teach the elements of drawing, painting and penmanship, and we give object lessons in geography, botany and geology. These studies tend to develop the perceptive faculties.

In this way we proceed with all the twelve g Cups, giving an hour to each one, and taking them up in the responsive order of their mental action. That is, each group is to be followed by that group which balances or responds to it. We have spoken of these responses in describing the model city.

As far as possible each faculty is cultivated through its own proper objects of action and not simply through verbal instruction. Thus the friendship of a child is cultivated by its doing friendly deeds; its integrity by showing it how to treat its fellows justly, and its faculty of construction by teaching it to make articles of use or play.

A child learns naturally by seeing others do things, as well as by the trial of its own powers. It must

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