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On the advancement of Life through the geologic ages, the reader may consult Dana's or Lyell's "Geology," entire, with LeConte's "Evolution and its Relations to Religious Thought." Also consult Draper's "Physiology," page 514, and his "Intellectual Development of Europe," especially chapter io, volume 2.

On the Seven Civilizations, see Draper's "Intellectual Development of Europe, entire ; Rawlinson's Origin of Nations, Part II, chapters 1, 2 and 3; Winchell's Preadamites; Maine's "Early Institutions," pp. 65, 79, and 116; Charles Fourier's "Social Destiny of Man," entire; and Blackstone's "Commentaries," section 1I,.¶46, et. seq. Edward Clodd's "Childhood of the World"; Baldwin's "Prehistoric Nations;" and Lyell's "Antiquity of Man," are suggestive works of value.

On social experiments already made, Sprague's "Socialism from Genesis to Revelation," is a candid, readable and accessible work. Of Herbert Spencer's works, the best and clearest is the essay on the "Social Organism." But he does not carry the theories forward to the future. A large number of works on Sociology at the present day are wholly speculative and without any practical or scientific value.

On the Structure and Plan of the Brain, read Ferrier's "Functions of the Brain," 1876, a series of decisive experiments; also "Bastian on the Brain," entire. On the Brain Centers, see Draper's "Physiology," pp. 282, 319, 265; Luy's "Brain and its Functions"; Gray's "Anatomy"; Dalton's "Physiology"; Huxley's "Anatomy of Vertebrate Animals"; and Baldwin's "Psychology Applied to Education."


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